Lab Equipment

In-Depth Skill and Knowledge


At Trainex, we understand the necessity of hands-on practice to your certification success. Our goal is to provide 100% customer satisfaction with up to date, high-end tangible lab equipment for every classes. Aside, you will be accommodated by our friendly staffs that are committed to offering excellent customer service.

At Trainex, we understand the necessity of hands-on practice to your certification success. Our goal is to provide 100% customer satisfaction with up to date, high-end tangible lab equipment for every classes. Aside, you will be accommodated by our friendly staffs that are committed to offering excellent customer service.


At Trainex, we understand the necessity of hands-on practice to your certification success. Our goal is to provide 100% customer satisfaction with up to date, high-end tangible lab equipment for every classes. Aside, you will be accommodated by our friendly staffs that are committed to offering excellent customer service.

At Trainex, we understand the necessity of hands-on practice to your certification success. Our goal is to provide 100% customer satisfaction with up to date, high-end tangible lab equipment for every classes. Aside, you will be accommodated by our friendly staffs that are committed to offering excellent customer service.


At Trainex, we understand the necessity of hands-on practice to your certification success. Our goal is to provide 100% customer satisfaction with up to date, high-end tangible lab equipment for every classes. Aside, you will be accommodated by our friendly staffs that are committed to offering excellent customer service.

Authorized Partner

Cisco CompTIA Pearson Vue Castle CWNP